- Cheeese (Russia)
- Gym Nomad (Netherlands)
- Life Pinner (Netherlands)
- My Base Camp (Austria)
- Peekaboo Guru (Pakistan)
- Room Raccoon (Netherlands)
- Taxidio (India)
- Timescenery (United Kingdom)
- TripMagic (Slovenia)
- When in X (Macedonia)
Considering the level of registrations, the jury decided to select 10 startups, instead of 8. In the event that the finalist startup cannot attend or withdraws, a runner up will be notified to take their place.
Runners Up*
- Get Malas (Brazil)
- Hotelier 101 (Turkey)
- Personal Travels (Italy)
- Rayka (USA)
*All the startups results are in alphabetic order.
61 startups from 25 countries** applied to Madeira Startup Retreat
**25 countries: Austria (1), Brazil (4), Bulgaria (3), Egypt (1), France (3), Germany (2), Iran (1), India (10), Italy (3), Lithuania (1), Luxembourg (1), Macedonia (1), Netherlands (3), Pakistan (1), Poland (1), Portugal (3), Russia (1), South Korea (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (3), Tanzania (1), Turkey (2), UK (8), USA (4) and Venezuela (1).