RE-align STRATEGY > Product Roadmap Review

RE-align STRATEGY > Product Roadmap Review

The last week was full-on, and we dug into it. We all needed to recharge during the weekend, so we could start Week 3 with energy. 

There was a barbecue party hosted by one of our startups, Hotel Manager. Thank you guys it was amazing!

Big shout out to our grillers and organizers Ajwad and Gokulan, the food was great!

We began Week 3, we focused on RE-align STRATEGY and we welcomed Rui Gouveia – Co-Founder & CIO of comOn Group, as our mentor.

On May 16th, Rui addressed the subject of Product Strategy Review and gave a workshop on Building a product that maximizes Value & Scales.

The mentor started by introducing himself. He talked about his experience as an entrepreneur and presented us to Build Up Labs – a startup studio or venture builder based in Lisbon that helps to ideate, build and grow several startups in parallel.

Build Up Labs also has a Startup Incubator to support and help the community of driven entrepreneurs to build and grow their businesses. 

After this, it was time for each startup to flash-pitch and give feedback.

Rui shared with us a Validation Framework to help startups test an idea, plan a niche go-to-market strategy, or find a Product-Market fit.

We end up the morning doing exercises to help the startupper’s validation framework.

In the afternoon, Rui had one-on-one mentoring sessions with all the startups. 

Check out all of the photos HERE!